The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps


Books and maps covering the whole county

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Buckinghamshire - 1910 Lloyd George Survey for Buckinghamshire

1910 BUCKS LAND TAX SURVEY (aka the 1910 Lloyd George Domesday Survey) This survey listed all the land, property and rights in the county, the main occupier, the owner and their address, the type of property and its address; its 83,000 entries are fully searchable. Parishes, owners, tenants, lands, houses, gardens, shops, railways - transcription with the original images on USB stick System ...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13930365

Buckinghamshire 1861 Census

Full transcript, searchable all fields. MACH mapping by area, name, type. [works on Windows 10]...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-CD4

Buckinghamshire 1881 Census

Full transcript, searchable all fields. MACH mapping by area, name, type....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-CD2

Buckinghamshire 1891 Census

Full transcript, searchable all fields. MACH mapping by area, name, type....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-CD3

Buckinghamshire Gazetteer 1868

Contemporary account of towns and villages, hamlets, population, trades etc Maps of the Hundreds [from George Lipscomb book....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B5

Buckinghamshire Insurance Directory 1714-1731

Residents insured against fire loss, listed by Parish, with policy number references....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B2

Buckinghamshire Insurance Directory 1775-1784

Residents insured against fire loss, listed by Parish. Pre any official directories....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B3

Buckinghamshire Map 1837

A3 size Full colour of the county [sent in tube]...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B14

Buckinghamshire Parish Map A3 size

Map for marking off places researched - ample room for name entry [sent in tube]...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B9

Buckinghamshire Parish Map A4 size

Map for marking off places researched...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B8

Bucks Ancestor Back Issues

Select from list on State volume & issue...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B15

Bucks Ancestor, the first three volumes complete;

The BGSmagazine, with many useful articles. See for details...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-CD29

Bucks Convicts Sent to Australia 1789-1865: Eve McLaughlin

Names of convicts, offences, sentences, court, when transported to Australia, ship name, destination; ship list.....

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B11

History & Antiquities of Buckinghamshire: George Lipscomb on CD-Rom

Four fairly rare volumes of the definitive 1840s history of the county, with maps, pedigrees of the ancient families, manorial details, drawings of churches and houses by Dr George Lipscomb. G. Lipscomb’s History and Antiquities of Buckinghamshire (1847) in four volumes breaks the county down into Hundreds and then villages. This set of books records ecclesiastical and manorial history as well ...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-CD30

Posse Comitatus for Buckinghamshire 1798

Excel spreadsheet Males 16-60 by parish with occupations, disabilities + farmers with horses, waggons and carts, millers. Mini 'census' before any official one. Searchable on all headings...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-Excel spreadsheet

The Muster Roll of the Bucks Militia Feb 1798

A list of all Militia by Company - Officers and private soldiers listed with their pay [indexed]...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-13956372

Universal Directory, 1793-1798 Buckinghamshire section

The Gentry and Merchants in larger towns. Amersham, Aylesbury, Buckingham, Chesham. Great Marlow, High Wycombe, Wendover and many other towns,...

Supplied by: The Mclaughlin Guides and Buckinghamshire related books and historic maps Product Ref: BGS-B4