Discover Your Ancestors Magazine Issue 5


This 196 page bookazine contains new in-depth articles, research advice, social history, 'how to' features, case studies, places in focus, and much more! It is ideal for both experienced researchers and those just starting out.
* Fascinating features about life in the past
* Different types of records explored
* The Georgians and beyond: Explore your family history back to medieval times
* Family Stories of three musical legends: David Bowie, Cilla Black, and John Lennon
* and much more!

Also included is a FREE Cover DVD with over £150 worth of resources! Including:
* 3 Month Gold Subscription to TheGenealogist (worth £24.95!)
* 3 Month Subscription to Discover Your Ancestors Online Periodical
* Visitation of England and Wales
* Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1893
* History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland 1835
* TreeView family tree software
* RootsMagic Essentials family tree software
* Printable A4 Charts


Supplied by: S&N Genealogy Supplies

Format: Magazine

Product Ref: SNG-6455